19 Best Snacks For Hospital Bag That Are Healthy & Allowed

Are you getting closer to delivery date and thinking about the hospital bag snacks that you can bring with you? Will your hospital even allow you to eat them before or during labor? Here’s all you need to know about packing hospital snacks and which ones are most healthy and will boost your (very needed) energy!

Best Snacks For Hospital Bag

Congrats, you’re just about to become a mom!

Ready for the happiest moment of your life yet? Surely you must be very excited, but also quite nervous.

You probably have been a cute craving machine these past months and have eaten the strangest things you can think of. But of course, you were not just eating for yourself, but also for your baby.

Now, there are only a few days or weeks until birth, and you’re making the final arrangements before baby’s arrival. After taking such a good care of your diet during these months, surely you are now thinking if you can eat during labor and what snacks you should bring to the hospital. And for these questions, you can count on me to have all the answers you may need.

If you’re wondering what you should drink and eat to stay hydrated and not feel nauseous before or during labor, keep on reading – here you will find a list of all the necessary snacks to pack in hospital bag and the nutritional value that these foods have.

Having diabetes is not a problem, as there are still plenty of delicious and healthy options for you too. I have also included different vegan options to consider, as well as snacks for hospital bag for dad.

This article is not a substitute for medical advice or consultation.

Do Hospitals Allow Snacks During Labor?

Perhaps the hospital food will be very tasty, but just not to your taste. You may need to have your own preferred foods with you. Most of the hospitals do not have a policy to stop you from bringing your favorite snacks for your hospital stay.

Some doctors will allow you to only drink liquids, while the majority understand the importance of food for the energy you need. Just put all the yummy snacks in your favorite bag and don’t worry that someone might stop you.

Can I Eat During Labor?

The short answer is yes, you can eat during early labor.

Regardless of how delivery went, you will feel very tired afterwards. You have to feed your baby, so you should eat foods with many nutritional values and vitamins.

After losing all that blood, you also need fluids, and you should drink plenty of them. That’s why it is better to be fully prepared.

However, you will not be allowed to have a huge meal during labor and delivery. The reasons for that is the possibility of aspiration while under anesthesia. This means that if you happen to be put under anesthesia during your labor, you may be at risk of breathing in small bits of food1.

Why Is Eating Sometimes NOT Allowed During Labor

What Snacks Are Allowed During Labor?

The best snacks to bring to hospital for labor are the ones you like, the ones that are nutritious and healthy. Snacks like Jell-O or applesauce may be allowed, but you definitely won’t be able to have a proper meal full of solid foods, just to avoid the risk of aspiration.

You need to be awake and energetic so you can enjoy the first, most important moments with your special little one. It’s not good to suddenly feel shaky because you haven’t eaten anything.

So, it is a must to pack the best hospital snacks you can. It’s best to consult with your doctor and/or OB-GYN what snacks are allowed when you’re in labor.

Why Is Eating Sometimes NOT Allowed During Labor?

Consuming food during labor, increases the risk of aspiration during emergency C-section with general anesthesia2. Aspiration is the returning of food from the stomach back into the air passages when you’re lying down and are unconscious.

However, if you’re having planned C-section doctors use epidural anesthesia3 or spinal block in such cases.

Epidural anesthesia can be used to keep you pain-free in the lower part of your body. The anesthetic is given through a needle in your back, and you will remain fully awake during the procedure. That’s why with epidural the aspiration is not a risk. You can also request epidural during vaginal delivery.

There is one additional thing that can stop you from eating during labor, is if you have nausea or vomiting from food. But even in these cases, there are drinks that can help you against vomiting.

Do Hospitals Allow Snacks During Labor

Best Snacks For Hospital Bag

You’re probably wondering, what is the best food to bring to hospital when having a baby? The simple answer is, only the healthy one, of course. But how to choose the best hospital bag snacks?

With all the things you’ll be packing in your hospital bag, there isn’t probably a lot of space left! So you need food that is easy to pack and sustainable food that doesn’t spoil without a refrigerator or survive in a cooler bag.

This way, even if your doctor doesn’t allow you to eat during labor, these snacks may come in handy to regain energy during those first few days AFTER the delivery.

There are many things you should consider when it comes to choosing a healthy snack. I’ve created a list of snacks to put on your hospital bag that can help to fight your hunger and boost your energy, relieve nausea symptoms, help with breastfeeding, and everything you may need during this time.

1. Granola Bars & Protein Bars

When it comes to packing snacks, granola bars and protein bars are your food of choice. They’re a great snack because they are high in fiber, protein and healthy fats.

Granola bars and protein bars are considered healthy snacks because the protein and the fibers they contain, can help to keep you full and alleviate constipation.

2. Hard Boiled Eggs

Hard boiled eggs are a wonderful addition when you’re bringing snacks. They’re an easy snack to make, low calorie, nutrient-dense food.

They are an excellent source of high-quality protein and rich in B vitamins, zinc, calcium and other important nutrients. A great snack made for that hospital bag!

3. Cheese Sticks

Nobody refuses cheese sticks, right? They’re both delicious and healthy. They boost your intake of calcium, which is good for bone strength as well as muscle and nerve function, but most importantly for boosting your milk supply.

They can be put on your insulated lunch bag with ice packs, and it is great that they don’t expire fast.

4. Trail Mix

If you’re looking for a healthy and nutritious food, trail mix is an essential to include in your hospital bag. It typically contains a variety of seeds, nuts and dried fruits that provide a range of vitamins, minerals and healthy fats.

They’re also a great snack choice if you’re vegetarian.

5. Fresh Fruits

Fresh fruits are the ones that come to mind first when we think of healthy and delicious food. Some good fresh fruit choices include apples, bananas, oranges, blueberries and avocados. Maybe you already have a list of preferred fruits, and you can’t go wrong with that.

A fresh fruit is a quick source of energy, it helps managing nausea, improves your digestion and boosts your immune system. They are a high in water content, which can help to keep you hydrated.

They are also packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, folate, and potassium. So, make sure to put them on your hospital bag!

6. Peanut Butter Crackers

They’re great snacks because they’re easily packed and tasty.

They’re also a great source of protein, fibers and can provide a quick burst of energy. They simply belong to your hospital bag. Although, people who have peanut butter allergies should avoid them and opt for an alternative snack.

7. Rice Cakes

Rice cakes are a high source of carbohydrates, low in calories and low in fats. They’re naturally gluten-free and it makes them a good option for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance.

They can be eaten on their own as a snack or can be topped with a variety of healthy ingredients, such as nut butter, avocado or hummus.

8. Greek Yogurt

Of all the options for hospital bag snacks, this one is my favorite.

In addition to being delicious, Greek yogurt is also very nutritious. It is refreshing, provides energy and it’s a great source of probiotics.

Also, it is believed that Greek yogurt consumption can lower the risk of gestational diabetes4.

9. Ice Chips

Ice chips are often used in hospitals to help keep patients hydrated and alleviate dry mouth or throat.

They are good snacks you may use for help with nausea and vomiting. Your hospital may provide you with these, but you can also bring some extra ice chips in your hospital bag (if you have an insulated pocket).

10. Dried Fruits

Dried fruits come in a variety of types, including raisins, dates, prunes, apricots and figs. I recommend making a mix of them and have them with you.

They’re a great source of fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Dates are a dried fruit that is believed to have several health benefits related to hormones.

Since they do not spoil easily, they don’t require refrigeration.

11. Beef Jerky

It is an excellent snack food that is low calorie, high in protein and a good source of vitamins and minerals including iron, zinc, choline and vitamin B12.

If you’re wondering what is a snack for hospital bag for dad, this one he might really like.

12. Smoothies

Green smoothie, strawberry banana smoothie, tropical smoothie or berry smoothie. So many smoothie options you can take with you.

Choose your favorite, as they’re all are one of the best snacks to bring to the hospital during labor.

13. Banana Chips

You can find these chips in sweet version (covered with sugar or honey) or savory version (with salt and other spices).

For a healthier alternative look for non-fried, dehydrated banana chips made without processed sugar.

14. Veggies

Simply take with you whichever is your favorite, and enjoy it at your convenience. Make sure to cut them into finger foods or even better, make a puree or smoothie.

15. Seeds

Seeds are good sources of plant-based, healthy fats.

These 6 seeds5 are a great addition to your bag: pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, sunflower and sesame seeds. Make sure to include them on the list of your snacks for hospital stay.

16. Nuts

Nuts like almonds, walnuts, peanuts and hazelnuts are also good snacks for hospital bag.

They are great because they come in a variety of types and flavors.

17. Toasts

If you want something to feel full, put your favorite sandwich or toast in your lunch bag.

You’ll be thankful later if you have something in that labor bag, that can really satiate your hunger. This can be also a good snack during postpartum recovery.

18. Vegetable Soup

It can be made with a variety of vegetables, such as carrots, tomatoes, green beans or peas. It is a great choice to add when you pack hospital bag snacks because you can make it with your favorite ingredients and enjoy it later.

It is both healthy and delicious.

19. Oatmeal

Great source of fiber and carbohydrates, plus you can make it really quickly. There are also some baked oatmeal cups that contain no refined sugar and are delicious.

So, yes, they’re pretty good hospital snacks.

Do I Need To Pack Snacks In My Hospital Bag

What Are The Best Drinks To Have While In Labor?

Although there are many options6 available, it is better to decide according to your taste, and also choose those drinks that have only natural sugars.

1. Water

Water should be your top priority when it comes to essential beverages to carry with you.

2. Tea

There are many types of teas that you can take with you, from herbal tea to peppermint and ginger tea, which is great especially in case of nausea and vomiting.

3. Black Coffee

If you’re someone who enjoys coffee7, take it yourself or ask someone to bring it for you.

4. Coconut Water & Natural Juices

You can take with you many types of juices, such as orange juice, peach or apple juice. Whatever you like, is fine.

5. Carbonated Beverages Or Clear Broths

Both of these choices are great for your hospital bag. Broth has a huge advantage because it keeps you hydrated, replaces salt lost from sweat, and makes you feel full, while still being easy to digest.

What Are Healthy Snacks For Hospital Bag For Moms With Gestational Diabetes?

Choosing snacks when dealing with gestational diabetes can be a little trickier, but there are a lot of foods8 that won’t cause a spike in your blood sugar levels, such as:

  • Berries
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Trail mix
  • Green smoothies
  • Popcorns
  • Avocados
  • Eggs

What Snacks Are Best After Delivery?

The best foods after giving birth are those that give you energy, don’t cause constipation, bloating, and gas for you and your baby, if you’re breastfeeding.

  • Fruits – they are a great choice as they are full of nutrients and will help you recover faster.
  • High protein snacks – from Greek yogurt to boiled eggs to protein shakes, these snacks for your hospital stay are healthy and will keep you full.
  • Smoothies – as there are many different smoothie combinations8 that you can make yourself, using a variety of fruits and vegetables. These drinks can be incredibly beneficial for your health and wellbeing after delivery.
PRO TIP: I recommend you to check my list of the best foods to cook for new mom – it includes healthy and nutritious meals that won’t make mama or the baby gassy!

Hospital Bag Snacks For Dad

Dad might also like the same food that you enjoy, but here are some certain snacks ideas for dad:

  • Potato chips
  • Soda drinks
  • Home baked buns
  • Sandwich crackers
  • Sunflower or pumpkin seeds

How To Pack Snacks For Your Hospital Bag

One thing to be careful of is how long-lasting the food you’re taking with you is, because you don’t know how long you’ll need to stay in the hospital. Try to get more foods that have a longer shelf-life and don’t require refrigeration.

Just put the best snacks for your hospital stay in a lunch box, gallon-size ziplock bags, separate little food containers to keep everything organized, easy to find, as well as to prevent the food from getting smashed and fruits from leaking in your hospital bag.

If you’re bringing some perishable snacks, use ice packs and insulated lunch box (you will later use them for storing your breastmilk when you’re on the go or on a day trip with your baby!).

Best Snacks For Hospital Bag

Snacks For Hospital Bag – FAQ

Surely, after all the preparations you’ve made, what you will eat during your hospital stay is also a matter to be carefully considered.

Should you bring all your own food or rely on the hospital to provide it, should you put snacks in your hospital bag and when is it best to do so?

Will The Hospital Provide Food?

All hospitals provide food for their patients, but whether you like the hospital food or not is another issue. Perhaps it’s not to your taste and you want to have good hospital bag snacks with you.

Do I Need To Pack Snacks In My Hospital Bag?

You need food to eat before and after giving birth, so it’s better to have your favorite foods. Of course you don’t have to pack snacks in your hospital bags, because your hospital will provide you with everything, but packing a few of your favorite snacks won’t harm (especially if you’re a picky eater).

When Is The Best Time To Pack Your Hospital Bag?

Third trimester is the best time to start packing your hospital bag and plan what snacks you want to bring. Having more time to plan, will allow you to think better what to take and what to leave out.

Whenever you feel like you’re going to give birth soon, it’s the right time to get that snacks that need some preparation.

The purpose of this article is informative. It’s not a substitute for professional medical advice or medical care. Remember: safety first! Consult your doctor/pediatrician in case of any doubts. The author of this article does not accept any responsibility for any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, from any information or advice contained here.









About Me - Zooey BarnettHello Moms! I am Zooey. I am a wife and a mother of three amazing kids: almost 5-year-old Haley and 2-year-old twins Jesse and Matthew. I am a jogger, cooker and blogger.

If you have a question or a comment, do not hesitate to write to me! 🙂

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